A Journey through Dubai's Unforgettable Festivals and Events


Every year, Dubai welcomes innumerable tourists. This city offers the apt balance of modernity, tradition, culture, entertainment, & exciting festivals and events. Dubai, one amid the wealthiest, powerful, and charming cities within the globe, has created a niche for its customs, festivals, and cultural variety. Besides, it is a city where practically just everything is celebrated, offering you the opportunity of experiencing it during a vacation. The Dubai festivals have immense to offer, ranging from the popular Shopping Festival in Dubai, where you may go for limitless hopping, to the Dhow Race, which lets tourists see the customs and history of Dubai. Do you want to be a part of these grand festivals? Then without much procrastination book your and your family’s Dubai tourist visa and build wonderful memories for a lifetime. 

Top Dubai Festivals and Events- An Inside Perspective 

  • Dubai Shopping Festival- First organized in 1996, it is certainly one amid the city's most captivating events. In this festival that typically takes place in the year’s first quarter, it is likely for people from every socioeconomic strata in going on a complete shopping binge. Considering the customers convenience, almost each store will give discounts and offers during this event, & consumers can also participate in other activities together with shopping. For instance, practically every mall within this area is hosting game shows, concerts, food-related events, and so on.

  • Swim the Burj- One of Dubai's renowned monuments and interesting architectural wonders, the Burj Al Arab has appeared in several films. Visit to experience the Burj Al Arab's splendor up close, go visit Swim the Burj. Swim the Burj offers competitors the option to compete in either the 800-meter or 1600-meter distances in March. This race is open to participants above the age of 16. At the conclusion of the event, numerous charities and organizations receive donations from the event's revenues.

  • Dubai Art Festival- You may take in Dubai's festivals from the artistic perspective in the month of March. You may go to Art Dubai, a highly diverse international art fair. You may enjoy an extraordinary platform showcasing not merely internationally renowned artists yet also up-and-coming artists that contribute to the world of art in novel ways here. Get ready to immerse yourself in assorted artistic mediums, like contemporary, modern, & resident art which have been chosen by worldwide artists including curators, art collectors, authors, & patrons of art institutions. You can visit art exhibitions highlighting the creative skills of artists from throughout the world. One of the Dubai festival city events that you really must attend, especially if you love art, is the Art Dubai festival.

  • Dubai Dhow Race- Seize the chance to travel back in time to the days when fisherman would dive for pearls from the Dhows, the ancient Emirati boats. Enjoy the long-distance sailing competition that is held each year to recognize the Dhow as the country's marine history. Spectators may see the big 60-foot dhows competing magnificently over the lake and sailing in the golden sunshine while supporting their preferred competitors. One of the unforgettable events in Dubai that you will remember for a long time is Al Gaffal Dhow race.

  • Dubai International Boat Show- This event hosts the biggest boating and leisure event in the Middle East each year. The occasion provides a wide variety of outdoor activities for drawing guests from all walks of life. Numerous collections of boats, yachts, and other vessels are sent to the event from over 40 different nations. Among the extras at this event are fly board competitions and water sports communities.

  • Dubai World Cup- This is one amid the most profitable horse racing competitions within the world which draws elite riders, horses, trainers, & fans from the world over. Since its debut during 1996, this event has become as a major one on the worldwide horse racing calendar. The competition is held at Meydan Racecourse, an advanced venue created especially for the Dubai World Cup. A number of races may be run on the racecourse's 2,050 meter dirt track and 1,750 meter grass track. This event is truly a highlight of a day that is action-packed of racing & entertainment.

  • Eid- UAE’s most religious event Eid marks the ending of Ramadan, the holy month when Muslims do fasting. In each country that also comprises the United Arab Emirates, this festival is celebrated the day next to twilight when the silvery moon is observed in the sky. Dubai & Abu Dhabi are the finest places to participate in the celebrations due to the various events scheduled to mark the anniversary.

  • Emirates Airline Literature Festival- This was initially presented in 2009, and it has undergone substantial expansion since then. This event, which is conducted at the Intercontinental Hotel, is reported to pull over 50,000 visitors every year. People will get the opportunity of meeting prominent authors & other literary figures coming from across the globe at the Emirates Airline Literature Festival.

  • Awafi Festival- Numerous activities, competitions, and events will be part of this distinctive festival in Dubai. Furthermore, this ceremony takes place at Ras al-Khaimah's desert, where visitors may see the union of several nations. This festival has some of the most thrilling vendors and food courts in the UAE. Take part in this Awafi Festival to fully appreciate the local culture.

  • Dubai Desert Challenge- Home to one amid the most difficult and stunning terrains. Participants from all across the world compete in desert races in cars, bikes, and trucks. Because Abu Dhabi hosts the main season of this competition, it is often commonly referred to as the "Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge." Over the course of two days, one must be able to sustain extraordinary endurance levels in addition to their driving prowess.

  • Taste of Dubai- This event, which debuted in 2007, attracts visitors from all around the world with its cuisine from aspiring and seasoned chefs. The celebrity chefs' cooking demonstrations will captivate the audience. In addition, there are retail sections and a special area for children. To savor the luscious meals at highest level, you can also grab discounts and offers on the Burj Khalifa tickets. Most top restaurants in Dubai provide their signature feast for a little portion of the original price.

  • Dubai International Jazz Festival- Every year, this celebration takes place. The festival's first installment took place in January 2003 at the Dubai Media City Amphitheatre. For three days, several well-known jazz performers were there. This event has grown over the years, and over 500,000 visitors from around the globe attend it now. The festival is held everywhere in Dubai. Approximately 50 years of music are performed by legendary performers, Grammy-winning artists, and contemporary & jazz music ensembles. Tickets will be available soon in advance of this festival. As the tickets are available on sale, the subscribers to the official site will get alerted.

Final Analysis 

Visitors will be delighted and pleased by all these events conducted in Dubai, and they will also find a ton of entertainment there. However, spreading pleasure, wealth, & peace among all of the tourists that congregate in Dubai each year will be the main goal of these festivities. Are these festivals not tempting you to visit Dubai? Go submit your Dubai visa application and enjoy to the fullest. 
